Just bought a very nice Boxster 2006 S sport chrono, 2 previous owners, mint..
A little back ground story..
First Porsche was a white and unbeknown to be, very very used and tired 944 1987, in hindsite I am pretty sure that it had been used as a taxi in Albania up until the day before I bought it... and to make things even worse I bought with the money my father had given me to finish my hotel school education in Switzerland... After hitting a deer on the way home to Scandinavia, the car was never the same... cost me a small fortune and resulted in a very strained relationship at home, and me loosing 10 kilos of unwanted fat, since I had no money for eating and partying for the last 2 semesters... Still to this day I feel disgust when I see an old white 944 drive by..
Anyway, I bought my first Boxster, a 2001 S black manual.. Loved it, but found the clutch as heavy as an immobile construction worker and the misses had a hard time driving it due to this fact. Swapped it with a black 2003 Boxster S Tiptronic, liked it very much, despite the very sluggish and limp auto box.
Bought a 2005 BMW E46 M3 SMG thereafter, loved it.. Great engine and all rounder...
Then back to Porsche, a very nice 996 C2 2003 tiptronic, liked it very much, but what I did not like was the narrow seats and the very large and thin steering wheel. Made me wonder what kind of malnourished Germans the car really was intended for??
Got a kid, and had to sell it, bought a very nice 2003 X5 diesel Sport.. Really like this car... but it is no Porsche... So now to the real story...
I , as many people do, search the internet for used cars/things all the time, always ready to buy it something catches my eye..
Anyway, always thought that the interior of the 986 and the 996 looked like they were designed in the mid 80ties by Ray Charles, but the 987 was an aesthetically superior car, as it should be, and I always wanted to get one......
So, I come across a 2006 Boxster S sport chrono, with 80000 km... priced well below the others Boxsters with similar mileage ect... but there is something wrong with the add.. It looks like one of those Nigeria scams... 'Send us a deposit, and we will keep the car for you" ECT... very poor pictures and no license plate ECT... I write the seller an email, he responds quickly, I Google him and see he is legit. I give him an offer he can't refuse, and I pick up the car the day after the car has been inspected by a dealership, which was today..
It is a long time since I drove a 987 ... so here are my thoughts.
Much better seats, I am tall 6f 2" 190cm, and they work well, still problem with support below my legs, but far superior to the 996 and the 986. Dashboard is of great quality and good layout.
Gear box and clutch... supposedly the sport chrono packaged include short shift gear linkage , well it certainly fells so. It is like operating a well oiled rifle loading mechanism. And to my pleasant surprise the clutch is not as heavy as on my previous Boxster..
The engine is soo sweet, sounds like a mixture of a humming bird on speed combined with a superb boxer engine that must have been hand crafted by some technician related to prime minister Angela Merkel herself... forgot just how good they sound and run. Also forgot just how light up front, these mid and rear engine cars are..
After 2 1/2 hrs and 320 km drive, I must admit that the cabin is fairly loud, and the seats are not that comfortable... but it is a sports car.
So I pull up in front of the house, thinking that I will receive the welcome that Julius Cesar received when he returned to Rome ... but my wife, who was not informed of my spontaneous purchase before now.. Looked at it and said... ' Where the hell is the 2 rear seats".... She will come around eventually, one of the reasons I choose her.. :=)... Plus summer is here and the car was very affordable, can't see losing too much on a future sale.....
Sorry for babbling on and on but I am still high on adrenalin and my ears are still humming due to the fault of the wonderful exhaust note of my Boxster... You only live once...
A little back ground story..
First Porsche was a white and unbeknown to be, very very used and tired 944 1987, in hindsite I am pretty sure that it had been used as a taxi in Albania up until the day before I bought it... and to make things even worse I bought with the money my father had given me to finish my hotel school education in Switzerland... After hitting a deer on the way home to Scandinavia, the car was never the same... cost me a small fortune and resulted in a very strained relationship at home, and me loosing 10 kilos of unwanted fat, since I had no money for eating and partying for the last 2 semesters... Still to this day I feel disgust when I see an old white 944 drive by..
Anyway, I bought my first Boxster, a 2001 S black manual.. Loved it, but found the clutch as heavy as an immobile construction worker and the misses had a hard time driving it due to this fact. Swapped it with a black 2003 Boxster S Tiptronic, liked it very much, despite the very sluggish and limp auto box.
Bought a 2005 BMW E46 M3 SMG thereafter, loved it.. Great engine and all rounder...
Then back to Porsche, a very nice 996 C2 2003 tiptronic, liked it very much, but what I did not like was the narrow seats and the very large and thin steering wheel. Made me wonder what kind of malnourished Germans the car really was intended for??
Got a kid, and had to sell it, bought a very nice 2003 X5 diesel Sport.. Really like this car... but it is no Porsche... So now to the real story...
I , as many people do, search the internet for used cars/things all the time, always ready to buy it something catches my eye..
Anyway, always thought that the interior of the 986 and the 996 looked like they were designed in the mid 80ties by Ray Charles, but the 987 was an aesthetically superior car, as it should be, and I always wanted to get one......
So, I come across a 2006 Boxster S sport chrono, with 80000 km... priced well below the others Boxsters with similar mileage ect... but there is something wrong with the add.. It looks like one of those Nigeria scams... 'Send us a deposit, and we will keep the car for you" ECT... very poor pictures and no license plate ECT... I write the seller an email, he responds quickly, I Google him and see he is legit. I give him an offer he can't refuse, and I pick up the car the day after the car has been inspected by a dealership, which was today..
It is a long time since I drove a 987 ... so here are my thoughts.
Much better seats, I am tall 6f 2" 190cm, and they work well, still problem with support below my legs, but far superior to the 996 and the 986. Dashboard is of great quality and good layout.
Gear box and clutch... supposedly the sport chrono packaged include short shift gear linkage , well it certainly fells so. It is like operating a well oiled rifle loading mechanism. And to my pleasant surprise the clutch is not as heavy as on my previous Boxster..
The engine is soo sweet, sounds like a mixture of a humming bird on speed combined with a superb boxer engine that must have been hand crafted by some technician related to prime minister Angela Merkel herself... forgot just how good they sound and run. Also forgot just how light up front, these mid and rear engine cars are..
After 2 1/2 hrs and 320 km drive, I must admit that the cabin is fairly loud, and the seats are not that comfortable... but it is a sports car.
So I pull up in front of the house, thinking that I will receive the welcome that Julius Cesar received when he returned to Rome ... but my wife, who was not informed of my spontaneous purchase before now.. Looked at it and said... ' Where the hell is the 2 rear seats".... She will come around eventually, one of the reasons I choose her.. :=)... Plus summer is here and the car was very affordable, can't see losing too much on a future sale.....
Sorry for babbling on and on but I am still high on adrenalin and my ears are still humming due to the fault of the wonderful exhaust note of my Boxster... You only live once...