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Weasel Words - Quentin Wilson


12 Oct 2009
Well having given away £850 for a WarrantyWise cover for 13months following the purchase of my recent C4S.

The air-con packed up, and as I had the air con cover on the policy as an extra thought I would have a go with WW.

Car went to Exeter OPC Friday, and they confirmed that the condensers needed replacing due to leaks/dampness. So they sent the paperwork to WW who within 2 hours sent back a declined notice !!

And I quote from their response :-

Re: Your Recent Warranty Request for Repairs
Further to your recent request for repairs, we regret to inform you that on this rare occasion we have been unable to reimburse you.
The reason we have declined or deferred your request for repairs is as follows:
Your repairer has stated that both condensers are leaking and require replacing.
We are of the opinion that as both condensers are of the same condition that they have not suffered a sudden failure as defined, but have
simply come to the end of there serviceable life. Parts which have not suffered a sudden failure as defined and which are worn out are
specifically excluded. Please refer to page 11 sections E3.3 and E3.4 in your plan booklet.'

So I'm not surprised if I'm honest, but I did ask about these items when taking the cover and how can they know that they didn't both suddenly fail at the same time ???

Oh well parts ordered and car left in Exeter.....

I live and learn, hopefully the next claim may be different like a damp RMS .......
I'm not preaching to the converted, I'm just getting it off my chest and expect zero sympathy so don't worry about saying the obvious....
They class it as wear and tear, so not covered. Amazes me that Porsche have ever paid out for this issue, but I understand they have. Just not in my case!
My thoughts are that these aftermarket Insurance based warranties aren't worth the paper they're printed on. many used car dealers refuse to use them due to the lack of payouts on customers cars and simply put an amount into an account for each car sold to cover for customer vehicle breakdowns. I'd put money away each year as a contingency fund to cover any repairs, far better than any warranty. Sorry you've had such a crap 1st experience of these useless herberts.
Seems the trick is not to claim in multiples, you should have claimed for one condenser and not two. Make a note for the future - at least you will be getting it done for half the cost :thumb:
A friend with WW said they only paid out 80% of his claim because "he was benefitting from a new part, where as they should have supplied a refurbished part!" It was on a LandRover but seriously!

I found with Porsche Wtty if I insisted that work could "only go ahead if Wtty is paying, otherwise I'm taking it to my local Indy" that they would always get it through - even if it meant calling Porsche UK and sending them through pictures or whole parts while car sat in their garage.
apw2007 said:
Seems the trick is not to claim in multiples, you should have claimed for one condenser and not two. Make a note for the future - at least you will be getting it done for half the cost :thumb:


I posted a couple of weeks ago wrt trailing arms, also with WW with a Wear n Tear cover,

Cos all four needed replacing I got the same letter, hey ho, this did cough up £500 for the Aircon pump though which was a result.

In fairness, I'm happy overall with WW, they've paid out quickly on my previous claims and I've had my money back in 2 years, and I've still got another 12 months cover remaining.

I'm happy with the cover, cost and service, (but maybe that's just me)
RSJ replaced both of my condensors under my warranty but the issue was noted in their PDI (I wanted the car in a hurry).

WW paid out on my claim for a fuel pump and water pipe.
Having said 'no, no, I'm not paying for all the extras' I bottled it at the last minute and paid £500 at the dealers for one of these warranties when I bought a Merc CL500, which is full of potential for life changingly expensive failures without notice.

Only when I carefully read the small print (which I never saw at the time) did I realise I'd bought a very expensive piece of paper.
I can see why WW rejected this claim, the condensors were obviously at the end of their life and as they are a consumable part (like tyres, battery, wipers etc etc) you wouldnt expect them to cover these items.
However, if a stone punctured a condensor that would be a sudden failure and WW would have paid out, failure by both just suggests corrosion and age has taken them out, so i wouldnt be too critical of WW over this.

Im sure this rejection shouldnt really concern you regarding the value of your warranty and you should be assurred that sudden failure of anything will be covered.

WW have a very impressive reputation, and as they say, they dont "weasel" out of a claim, In this case your claim was rejected but on consideration their decision was fair - after all they dont provide whole car cover for absolutely everything for £850 - they would go bust.

If it had been an OPC warranty it would have cost you a lot more, plus everything on the car has to be Porsche parts including non warranty covered items - and then half the stuff you expect to be able to claim for is rejected once the car goes over two years old.

Getting car back Friday, OPC Exeter and Wayne have been very understanding. So much so that they agreed a reduced labour rate to fit replacement parts and they agreed to me supplying the new parts via Design911 which saved a fair bit....£263..

All points raised duly noted and accepted, we shall see going forward if it was an expensive piece of paper or not....11 months and counting.

WW may not pay out on RMS failures as I recall there being a 'known fault' exclusion (which would presumably also knock out IMS issues). I read the paperwork and promptly cancelledthe policy on that basis.


My warranty company paid up for my bore scoring, eventually.
It took them 5 weeks to decide! They tried to fob me off with a rebuilt engine from a diesel rebuilder in Chesterfield first. :lol:
Lots of phone calls at first with no success, then one to the Motor Traders complainants (can't remember the proper title) and hey presto, I had a phone call from the MD no less!!
I was lucky as it had been a water pump failure (cause of overheating) and they couldn't get out of it.
However, I have been told companies are not paying out for bore scoring anymore as they class it as a "design fault". (I expect they have a point)

They have to be treated like any Insurance company, before you make a claim, work with your garage to make sure it is watertight.Think how they are going to try and get out of it.
In your case, you should have taken a hit on one of them and put a claim in for the other. Even some money is better than none. I know this is easy to say after the event.
Warranty wise boast on their advertising that they have paid out circa 10k for an engine replacement on a 911.

I would consider appealing their decision and perhaps contact auto express to flag up the issue as they do have a feature on disputes etc.

A nice letter to the warranty co might assist , stating your dissatisfaction and bearing in mind their advertising suggests they don't play this game.

Even if they were prepared to contribute half towards your expenditure it would seem fairer than a knock back like this.

Parts are constantly wearing and degrading from the car being new and it's not through your fault that the parts have failed.

I'm not saying kick up a big fuss but I don't think you've been treated very fairly here.

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