Now I have sold the car I have various 996.1 C2 parts for sale. I'm not entirely sure of values so if you think I've mispriced something let me know or make me an offer. Collection either from near Tonbridge, Kent, or 2-3 times a week I am north of London near St. Albans.
I can take better photos of individual items if needed.
- Oil filter and and sump plug washer - SOLD
- Gear selector with Alex short shift kit and alignment tool - SOLD
- DesignTek intake pipe with resonator delete bung - SOLD
- PSR-line 7&10mm spacers and (unused) wheel bolts - SOLD
- 2no Spider Performance Coffin Arms and eccentric bolts - SOLD
- 3no BERU new style coil packs unused - SOLD
- Dash dial aluminium bezels - SOLD
- Durametric diagnostic kit - 1 of 4 VINs used. - SOLD
- 2no handbrake cables and circlips and pins - £50 for the pair.
- 1no Oil cooler and seals (note this is an engine out job) - £50
- Mahle air filter - £5
- Set of brake pad wear sensor cables - £10
- Brake fitting kit (springs and pins) - £15
- Headlight switch (I replaced this after the voltage regulator failed but think I worked out that it wasn't broken) - free incase it is broken.
- Handbrake lever - tatty - free to collect.
I can take better photos of individual items if needed.
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