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Thoughts after you've sold?


31 Mar 2009
Well it's a year since I sold my C2 Cab, I must admit that apart from the occasional hot summer day, I haven't missed it!
Perhaps it's the relief of not having the Porsche paranoia, the obsession with parking it in obscure spaces away from any other cars, or the assumption that at some point the hood would be slashed? I have no regrets, apart from not driving it more and obviously the hit from depreciation.
I'm currently using the family Sharan as my daily drive; an unremarkable car, but solid and reliable. It will take a very good/cheap 997 to get me back in the fold.

What about you lot?
Not good thoughts. Neither for you nor for Porsche. :sad:
It's very nearly 2 months since I changed cars and I still recall fondly just how much I loved driving my C4.

I haven't done enough miles in the new one yet to have bonded with it but the feeling of having it and just looking at it is a step beyond what I felt before.

Some days - normally after I've checked my bank balance - I wonder if I should have just kept the old one and dealt with any problem that MAY have cropped up but most days I just sit and smile smugly, knowing what I've got tucked away in the garage.

I'm looking forward to doing a few things in the Turbo over the next few months and am looking forward to taking her abroad next year. By that time the C4 will be a more distant but still fond memory.
Will someone please stop this thread, it's negative energy :eh!:

Have a nice Porsche driving weekend :bye:

Allow me to inject some 'positivism' into this thread....

I've had my 911 for just under 90 days. The paranoia's are apparent, as are the high running costs and everything else that goes with a Porsche. BUT, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I still love it!

My previous cars (M3 E46, 2x TT's) were treated with the same passion and care years after I bought them; I still enjoyed driving them as much as I did the responsibility of owning them. I have no doubt that if circumstances allow (wife / kids) I still own the 911 for a few years, I am confident I will feel the same way.

Life's too short, may as well enjoy the drive!
IMO part of being able to afford a Porsche is being able to afford not to be paranoid.

It sucks to randomly have to spend money on a random repair of £6000 or a malicious repair but that is part of the running cost.
Stefandk said:
Will someone please stop this thread, it's negative energy :eh!:

Have a nice Porsche driving weekend :bye:


Hold on, where is the negativity?!

I said I don't miss it, I didn't say I regretted buying one - I actually said that I had no regrets, other than not driving it more and the depreciation hit. The former was my doing, but none of us have control of the latter.

I am interested in other peoples feedback, having sold their respective cars.

GT4 was back in 57 days, others have moved away from Porsche altogether.
It's funny but the older we all get it seems the more, I don't know if morbid is the right word or maybe nostalgic is a better word but I for one have had maybe approaching 20 cars since my first one, my trusted Hillman imp back in 1984 and they have all come and gone without so much as a blink of the eye but looking back now, each one tells a story about part of your life. So now, and I acknowledge this, my partner describes my Porsche ownership as proof that I am in my mid life crisis! After the last 5 years I have had she is spot on.
I choked a little when my last 2 cars went as they will always remind me of difficult times!
NB maybe morbid was the right word lol!
maor said:
IMO part of being able to afford a Porsche is being able to afford not to be paranoid.

It sucks to randomly have to spend money on a random repair of £6000 or a malicious repair but that is part of the running cost.


:dont know:

IMO the paranoia about being open to vandalism isn't Porsche specific and can't be classed as a running cost. I'd be gutted to come back and find any car I owned vandalised in any way but whilst the fear affects where/when I use my car it wouldn't ever be a reason for me selling.

An engine repair bill would be a running cost but being able to afford to pay it didn't stop me being paranoid. The thought of potentially having to spend what would amount to 75% of the cars value was enough to persuade me to end what was otherwise a fantastic ownership experience.

I had 3.5 really enjoyable years driving my C4 and chose to change before anything happened to sour that.
I'm with 911_AS on this one. I almost always regret getting rid of a car for one reason or another. I've almost always brought a car I wanted rather than needed which means I've loved and cherished every one.

I've mainly swapped because 'I wanted' something more that what I already had. But there has always been something I've missed about my previous car.

On the getting older thing. Over the past few years my attitude has changed. If I want something and I can afford it. I'll get it. This applied to me getting the Porsche. I don't want to look back years to come and realise I'd missed the opportunity to own a Porsche.
I dont miss either of my 996's.....

I never really "gelled" with them,and i always thought that they were a cheap car with an expensive price tag...

I still love the exterior aesthetics,but Im a natural born worrier and the paranoia got the better of me..
I would never sell my 996TT unless it was for a 997TT or even later model turbo. Everytime I have sold a Porsche it was only to replace it with another Porsche so never had any regrets. Who cares about the money, waking up in the morning, walking to my garage and opening the door to see my 996TT and Ferrari sitting there together looking drop dead gorgeous is the only thing i want in life, nothing else is more important to me, I cant be bothered with girls or kids, nothing but hassles

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