I loved my C4S.. was a really easy sale.. put it on the bay, as a classified ad, .. on Tuesday last week sold it to the first to view.. picked it up Thursday... I'm very lucky as was stressing out about selling it, all the messers etc...
I'm looking for a turbo...(might go for another C4s " arrghhh " !!!) under 60k, with a nice colour combo, and I don't mind a bit of a project ie.. service due, tyres needed etc... but must be reflected in the price... I will keep you all posted on the search and if anyone has any leads to a great car pleas let me know ...
so a turbo... "no, no, a C4s" .... a turbo... has to be a turbo. :?
I'm looking for a turbo...(might go for another C4s " arrghhh " !!!) under 60k, with a nice colour combo, and I don't mind a bit of a project ie.. service due, tyres needed etc... but must be reflected in the price... I will keep you all posted on the search and if anyone has any leads to a great car pleas let me know ...
so a turbo... "no, no, a C4s" .... a turbo... has to be a turbo. :?