So I fitted a Momo wheel a few years ago, never actually got round to sorting the horn.
This year, as I was going abroad in the car, I decided to box all the little jobs off including this.
Made a wire to jump to the steering column with a jubilee clip wound as I've seen this before. Success!!!! 2000 miles round France, Belgium and Germany and home, no issues.
However, I now have a random beep! Slow speeds, not all the time just occasionally. I assume something is contacting something else and Ill investigate this weekend but anyone experienced this and have any ideas?!?
This year, as I was going abroad in the car, I decided to box all the little jobs off including this.
Made a wire to jump to the steering column with a jubilee clip wound as I've seen this before. Success!!!! 2000 miles round France, Belgium and Germany and home, no issues.
However, I now have a random beep! Slow speeds, not all the time just occasionally. I assume something is contacting something else and Ill investigate this weekend but anyone experienced this and have any ideas?!?