Anyone know if wheels from a Boxster or 996 will fit a 993? Are they the same offset?
I have BBS rims on mine at the moment but when I swapped the rear tyres she began scuffing really badly. She went in to Porsche Reading for a geometry check and sort but it's still horrendous. They tell me the wheels are the wrong offset (she's lowered) and I can either roll the arches or swap wheels... hmm!
Migration info. Legacy thread was 6705
I have BBS rims on mine at the moment but when I swapped the rear tyres she began scuffing really badly. She went in to Porsche Reading for a geometry check and sort but it's still horrendous. They tell me the wheels are the wrong offset (she's lowered) and I can either roll the arches or swap wheels... hmm!
Migration info. Legacy thread was 6705