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Oh no - another 'go outside, look at your 993 and..' thread.


13 Mar 2008
Calm down dear - it's a cosmetic one not a mechanical/rustbucket one.

How many of you have the underside of your rear spoiler painted body-colour?

Or is it black (plastic unpainted)?



Mines painted.....but what does it mean :?:

Looking at it has also reminded me I need a new foil as mine has split again!
Hi OC,

Just checked mine and it's black plastic, unpainted, which to be honest looks just how it should be?

ATB :)
Fulla said:
Mines painted.....but what does it mean :?:

Is yours masked-off at the same 'line' onto the 'arms' (my spoiler 'arms' are still in original black plastic) as the photo above?

I was just interested if they did it at the factory for some reason - mine looks factory but I am assured it is not :grin:
Goes out again to check, mumbling no doubt this means mine has had a rear ending and it is a cut and shut...........
Ok checked. Mine is as yours OC. Arms black plastic the rest body colour.
I suspect this means those that aren't body colour are friday cars.....
Thats bodged masking, like the Banderos version of Zorro.
{The gay blade}

And much like Louis Walsh, its tangible evidence that you've had a hard one, up the Aristotle.
Just grin and bear it Fella, I can almost hear you wincing.
'98 car and its black.

Looks to be a separate moulding and looks correct in black.

My guess is any with paint there have had the spoiler blown over whilst on the car.
My guess is any with paint there have had the rear quarters and back panel, pu, exhaust, engine out and bits fixed, and put back together by some monkey down west sussex way

fixed that for you.

Black Plastic as standard, its a pig to remove the plastic moulding when respraying the lid so some may have body coloured if the lid has been painted. :thumb:
Mine was black plastic :thumb: How it should be :wack:
is this an n/a only thread, or can we all take a look?

a 'fixed spoiler' is where it's at chaps :thumb:

Any excuse to go look at the 993, my turbo fixed spoiler looks total different to your pic, but still managed to spend half an hour in the garage admiring the car. (I might be turning Japanese).

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