It's not often I will take the car for a just because blast but last night the mood gripped me and I ventured off into the Forest of Dean.
I have been struggling with balance and setup of the car on and off since i rebuilt it all about 12 months ago (including a visit to COG), Partially because i chose to go down the route of Koni adjustable shocks, party Tyres (rainsport2) and party ride height (i live down a track).
My consideration after a lot of faffing with tyre pressures, damper settings, ride heighs and random wobbles is the road from monmouth to coleford (A4136) is like my own little nurburgh ring. I got two really great runs up and down the hill last night.
Finally i think i have this handling ***** NAILED! :thumbs:
I have been struggling with balance and setup of the car on and off since i rebuilt it all about 12 months ago (including a visit to COG), Partially because i chose to go down the route of Koni adjustable shocks, party Tyres (rainsport2) and party ride height (i live down a track).
My consideration after a lot of faffing with tyre pressures, damper settings, ride heighs and random wobbles is the road from monmouth to coleford (A4136) is like my own little nurburgh ring. I got two really great runs up and down the hill last night.
Finally i think i have this handling ***** NAILED! :thumbs: