Didn't think life could get much better in July 2012 when I took delivery of my first Porsche a cracking Boxster s mint condition ticked all the boxes and put a huge grin on my face,earlier this year had a brand new cayman s out on 24 hour demo from Lancaster Colchester hated it for 10 minutes till I found my way round the gearbox (es) then my god did the world light up unfortunately couldn't afford 62000 so back she had to go, but it got me thinking and two days ago I realised my dream purchased my first 911 a stunning black convertible with full history,not a mark inside or out, so at the moment I have gone from nil Porsche 15 months ago to 2 Porsches today hehe how extravagant! Think I've really joined the club now, still loving my Boxster but she has to go as I only have room for one toy on the drive, very happy boy!!!!