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help! ;p


26 Oct 2009
Hi guys, I hardly use this these days as we moved to a quite rural place, ive always had a slight ticking noise, never really been that bothered about it.
Just had new water pump, alternator, steering rack, battery, tyres and few others cost of about 3k.

I took it for a drive the other day and I noticed first gear was a bit noisy and difficult to select.
When I moved it into first gear it was like a grrrrr noise.
Rest were okay.
Anyhow few days later I went from Scotland to Cambridge to pick up a landrover defender (yes we really are rural) :)
I noticed the gears were not good at all coming back and I was forced to pull over 30 miles from home.
terrible noise like bang clot, bang clot, but when I dip the clutch it stopped the noise and sounded really good just as it did when new.
lifted clutch back up, and noise started again.

I phoned Porsche and they asked to listen on phone and said instantly gear box had failed.
I took it to another guy a few miles from my house and he also agreed gear box..
btw 1st gear sound like a bag of spanners..
put it in reverse and it jumped into 1st.
anyhow managed to get home and parked it up.

Now, I love this car even though I hardly use it, and its had parts fitted when needed, but I do plan to sell it soon and get a 997 turbo for the summer.

Problem is I dont want to spend 3k on a new gearbox if its the gearbox oil as someone said or something else? can they be re-conditioned?
Has anyone else had anything like this before?

Btw car is 997s
Unfortunately, I think you can rule out the oil being the culprit.... :what:
does anyone know where I can find a gear box for my 997s?

I've had a similar noise with my 996 gearbox recently and it was noisy with the clutch up and when its dipped it was quiet again. There was also a slight vibration through the car when the clutch wasn't dipped.
Anyway it turned out to be the first motion shaft at about £900 for the part.

I may have a reconditioned gearbox for sale soon for a 996 3.6 but I'm not sure its the same fitment as your 997.

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