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Happy 17th Birthday and some gratuitous photos!


3 Jul 2010
Date of first registration: 2nd October 1996.

And to think that I have owned her for over 10 years!!

I am loathe to post photographs because the last time I did, Chris W pointed out that I had replica wheels!!! In these photos, the wheels are original hollow spokes, supplied courtesy of Chris!

I'm not sure that I have ever bought anything that has given me more pleasure; from the days when it was my daily driver, to my current "high days and holidays" approach.

I'm hoping for another great ten years before handing over the keys to my son, although he technically owns it already, so that he can appreciate what it means to own and drive a modern masterpiece. :thumb:
orangecurry said:

...but I'm not sure the Cricket club are going to like that :grin:

It was genuinely where the parking was. :)

But I didn't stay long as my son's mate was batting and he was North of England Captain at the time and he has a penchant for hitting straight sixes!
Stimulating Stuff OP:)

Whilst still a 993S newbie, I absolutely get them

We did 500 miles at the WE with PCGB trip to Snowdonia.

The car never missed a bit, always get open glances from the nice people and sly sideways ones when nobodys looking from the "other" types ( I dont mean PCGB members, heaven forbid...)

Car was great on the Evo triangle...

Every trip is an ocassion and am I the only one that REALLY likes the smell of them:)

Heres to another happy 10 :thumb:
Nice one :thumb:

Although in case swmbo ever reads this I think you had better confirm if its the second best thing after the wedding ring :oops:

your car is absolutely Beautiful buddy , fantastic colour and in 'S ' spec, just the business.....

Im looking for one, but i cannot find a 993 S anywhere that looks as good as yours ..... BUT.... I will find one .... !!

I am firmly in the GT3 camp but i know that i would appreciate the 993/964 / SC experience ..................

All the Best ,

It really is a gorgeous looking car.

Happy birthday.

Only 10 years until your son gets the keys? That might come back to haunt you.
Pah!....at least I can take my young lady out for a legal drink now.....she was 18 on the 30th August.....:)

MAAS....your car is looking good.....:)
I stared at the pics in this thread last night, but considered my thoughts might sound just a little biased, or perhaps even obsequious.

But I've slept on them, and no, I still can't find a reason not to share:

Really, is there a bad line on the 993?

Trace any shut line or curve from any angle and it still seems to gracefully, beautifully or purposefully run into the next design feature, in fact I think the main attractiveness is there is no multitude of design features: they are more like one organic, smooth transition.

Many cars or other photographic subjects have a best angle or side, but really, is it possible to get a bad photo of a 993? *

*I don't mean you can't have shocking composition, poor lighting, bad focus of a finger stuck in frame, but the 993 will still shine through
Congrats. Looking damn fine for 17. Cor it wont be long before we start seeing these 20 - 25 years old.

Just one thing (always), get those tyres dressed it makes such a difference IMO.
GT4 said:
Many cars or other photographic subjects have a best angle or side, but really, is it possible to get a bad photo of a 993

Given the 'open aspect' it depends if anyone loiters around the exhaust pipe in questionable clothing :oops:
I think in that instance, the 993 would still remain blameless (although it must be said, it could be considered temptation was put the gentleman's way with its alluring looks, but I don't think that defence stands in court anymore :dont know: )
Mine will be 19 in a couple of weeks!!

They still look so fresh and relevant today - not in any way dated. :thumb:
Such a beautiful car. Congratulations and good luck for another great 10 years.
My son will be prising the keys from my cold, dead hand.

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