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Gearbox Repair- information required


4 Nov 2010
Having done over 50k miles on my 95 C4 since I purchased it 10 years ago, I think the time has come to throw in a new clutch (pedal is getting close to top but not slipping yet)

Now it seems a little rude not to throw in a new synchro at the same time to try and prevent the slight grating that happens when changing from 1st to 2nd when cold.

So far I have carried out all the work on this car (except a visit to CoG for a suspension set up) and will be doing the work myself.

So the problem is that I have never seen any info during my 10 years ownership on striping the gearbox or replacing the synchro.

I would be grateful if any one can point me in the right direction as it is nice to have some idea of what to do before you have the engine and box on the floor.
I would not hold your breath for info on gearbox work. Looking for specialists with a good name and reputation for gearbox work is scarce as hen's teeth. I am no mechanic, but undersatnd that it requires a lot of specialist tools and presses. If it is looking like a 80-90k milke car, there may be other things that are worn that a specilaist will know what to look for and measure up. I am also not sure about availability fo parts for a private punter as likely the parts may have to be supplied ex-Stuttgart.

You might be better placed to sub-contract the gearbox strip and rebuild to someone who really knows these inside out - you can save on labour by removing and refitting it yourself and have it couriered to a specialist.

I only know of one person who is an expert on gearbox work - Mike at Sports & Classic in Knutsford, Cheshire. He has gearboxes sent to him from all over including international shipments for strip and rebuild.
Most specialists can rebuild a gearbox with no problem, the 993 basically has a G50 gearbox from 1986 so most can rebuild one blind folded,
my OPC has rebuilt a few for me with no problems
Mark, interesting to hear OPC repairing gearboxes. I was always under the impression OPC's promote a replacement box rather than a rebuild, so I have learnt something.
Before you remove, go up and down the box, and decide what synchro rings need changing.

Remove the box.

Give to a g/box specialist with instructions on what needs changing.
Pay the bill.

Put an RS clutch in with light flywheel.


I'd be tempted to ask the specialist to measure up everything versus Porsche tolerance limits and advise (a) what they find is in immediate need of replacement and (b) what is within tolerance presently but they'd recommend replacing whilst they're in there. The aim should be to do the gearbox once but to do it right and then not have to worry about it.

Personally, I'm not sure about an RS Clutch and light flwheel - don't know enough about them and I prefer to keep the car as it left the factory wherever possible - but everyone has a choice that should be respected.
cheshire911 said:
Mark, interesting to hear OPC repairing gearboxes. I was always under the impression OPC's promote a replacement box rather than a rebuild, so I have learnt something.

Depends on the gearbox: Manual gearboxes up to and including 993 were "workshop friendly".
Broadly speaking, from 996 onwards the Getrag manual boxes in 996 and 997 GT2 and GT3 models and Turbos 997 (Gen 1 only) are still easy to work on, but more specialist tools and equipment are needed for the bread-and-butter C2 and C4 models as they were designed for more automated assembly.
I used a chap called Mike Bainbridge in Cumbria for my 968 gearbox.

Lots of Porsche and Rallye folk use him, and the quality of his work is top notch (rather than notchy). At the same time he did pinion bearing, clutch, new LSD and single mass flywheel. That was about 30k ago (I think) - no issues.

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