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E55 AMG showed me the way


11 Feb 2003

Took the Tiptress out for a blast with my neighbour, he'd been looking for a go in her since she arrived. Part way through the run we were turning right onto a quiet rural A-road and pulled out behind a brand new E55 AMG (500bhp).

The guy driving it was in his mid 50's I think and eating a Sandwitch !!!. We ambled along behind him out of the 30 mph zone from the village admiring the 4 tale pipes from the rear, when he took of up the hill. I gunned the Tiptress, but he was leaving me for dead, quite embrassing with the neighbour on his much anticipated maden voygue. I nearly caught up when but he was doing at least 130 mph - we me bailing out at an unspecified amount behind him.

Thats one fast saloon car - I sure he will be recounting his Porsche eating experiences on some Merc forum.


Migration info. Legacy thread was 5089
I guess horsepower counts!

Migration info. Legacy thread was 5090
Sounds like great fun. Maybe you should get the neighbour to chip in and buy a Turbo! Alternatively age a few years take up golf and buy a mercedes!

C4 996 Cab

Migration info. Legacy thread was 5105
Were getting a new model E55 soon!(ish) Will be much faster than the porsche, but handling will not compare.

Migration info. Legacy thread was 5109

Wash your mouth out with soap and cancel that order now ! :wink:

Migration info. Legacy thread was 5113
Not ordered one-buying one to replace the 2 mercs we already have when prices calm down-my mum will have to drive it everyday-and she thinks her CLK 230 is already too fast! Hahahahahaha

Migration info. Legacy thread was 5117
yeh wot is it with mums!? we used to have an R reg E430 which was well sweet but my mum was always complaining it was too fast and never gunned it. not only that but then she went on to kerb the £2000 18" AMG alloys! hence the apprehension with her driving the C4S when it comes!

Migration info. Legacy thread was 5125
Lol, my mum is too scared to drive the porsche. Only time shes driven it is when she had to reverse it out of the garage to be driven away for a service.

Migration info. Legacy thread was 5126
reversing out of the garage is the bit me and my dad are most scared of!! there wont be much room either side and you can just imagine that suicide-tempting sound of the rear arch rubbing against the brickwork!!!

Migration info. Legacy thread was 5131
The problem with women driving is that it's just to much of a quantum leap from a shopping trolley to a car in one go. They really should have to go through an intermediary stage (something like a golf cart) before they are let on the roads unsupervised.

Migration info. Legacy thread was 5160
ha ha ha ha! hey CT shouldnt u be a bit careful now we have a lady porsche owner on the website?! very amusing, and im afraid to say true in MOST cases.

Migration info. Legacy thread was 5163
It goes without saying Luke that women Porsche drivers are exempt from the intermediate test.

Anyway........there's far too much political correctness now that we live in "Blairworld". Whatever happened to freedom of speech ?

Disband the EU, send all the politicians to Guantanamo Bay, paint a "one" in front of all speed limit signs, bring back pounds and ounces, make Fatty Two Jags ride to work on a bike, abolish the bus lane on the M4, turn all those Congestion Charging Cameras into Webcams and point them at peoples bedroom windows, and finally.......and this is very important.........ban caravans from all roads except on Xmas day. That's my manifesto, anybody want to vote for me?

Migration info. Legacy thread was 5170
CT993 are you in fact Jeremy Clarkson ? :wink:

Actually I suppose you can't be, you drive a Porsche !

Migration info. Legacy thread was 5172
Previous poster said:
Quote: Originally posted by CT993 on 24 June 2003

...make Fatty Two Jags ride to work on a bike...
In Guantanemo bay?

Migration info. Legacy thread was 5173
CT993..........i like your manifesto......you the man

Migration info. Legacy thread was 5178

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