Took the Tiptress out for a blast with my neighbour, he'd been looking for a go in her since she arrived. Part way through the run we were turning right onto a quiet rural A-road and pulled out behind a brand new E55 AMG (500bhp).
The guy driving it was in his mid 50's I think and eating a Sandwitch !!!. We ambled along behind him out of the 30 mph zone from the village admiring the 4 tale pipes from the rear, when he took of up the hill. I gunned the Tiptress, but he was leaving me for dead, quite embrassing with the neighbour on his much anticipated maden voygue. I nearly caught up when but he was doing at least 130 mph - we me bailing out at an unspecified amount behind him.
Thats one fast saloon car - I sure he will be recounting his Porsche eating experiences on some Merc forum.
Migration info. Legacy thread was 5089
Took the Tiptress out for a blast with my neighbour, he'd been looking for a go in her since she arrived. Part way through the run we were turning right onto a quiet rural A-road and pulled out behind a brand new E55 AMG (500bhp).
The guy driving it was in his mid 50's I think and eating a Sandwitch !!!. We ambled along behind him out of the 30 mph zone from the village admiring the 4 tale pipes from the rear, when he took of up the hill. I gunned the Tiptress, but he was leaving me for dead, quite embrassing with the neighbour on his much anticipated maden voygue. I nearly caught up when but he was doing at least 130 mph - we me bailing out at an unspecified amount behind him.
Thats one fast saloon car - I sure he will be recounting his Porsche eating experiences on some Merc forum.
Migration info. Legacy thread was 5089