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Drop Links Question


27 Jan 2012
Probably just a quicky chaps, but please could someone confirm that the item on my recent advisory sheet I received from my local OPC when my car was serviced, are Drop Links? On the sheet, the items are listed as "Anti Roll Bar Link Rod". If these are worn could that explain an occasional 'knock' noise from the front?

Here's the link to the items I'm assuming I need (top item, but also need rears aswell): http://www.design911.co.uk/fu/pt385...05/996-C4S-3-6L-09-01-2005/Drop-Links-Bushes/

Thanks guys!
Drop links are straight forward to change out, fronts are easier than rear ones but not impossible if you are reasonably handy with hand tools.
Thanks fellas. Going to change the fronts, but Porsche Swindon seemed to be fairly keen on their recommendations of works needed, from what I can tell, so will hang fire with the rears for now.

Would the drop links contribute to the feeling of the car 'wandering' slightly?
I was faced with a similar problem when I first had my C4. Swapped out various suspension parts to stop the various bangs, squeaks and thumps. The best thing I did was to book the car into Centre Gravity to get the car set up properly, others do a good job too.
The car is stable now, and quiet.
I wouldn't expect worn drop links to cause a wandering sensation. They serve to attach the anti roll bar to the struts, the purpose of which is to limit the amount of body roll in the corners. When worn, the primary symptom is usually a metallic knock or clunking sound.

Very easy to change - unbolt old and bolt up new. You'll need 2 jacks: one to raise the car and the second to load the strut in order to take the force off the anti roll bar.

How recently was the car MOT'd? They should be checking for worn bushes and ball joints in the suspension, which is more likely to cause a wandering in the steering. Other than that, it could be as simple as wheel alignment.
Just a heads up TRW drop links are £17 each for a c4s from mister-auto.co.uk - they call them "link stabiliser". Classic sign of these is knocking over speed bumps if you can't see play elsewhere.

My c2 started wandering a little and tramlining, turned out to be a front wheel bearing. I replaced with FAG (OE) brand from ECP/carparts4less £40 part plus £30 to a local garage to press it in the hub. I replaced forked control arms (£32 ea mister-auto) and top mounts (OE £58 ea plus bearings £26 ea from design 911) at the same time to refresh all front suspension pivot points (PO had replaced coffin arms recently).

Grab your front wheels and rattle them around using all your weight. Any play will be the cause of your wandering, if you feel it between the caliper and wheel then likely the wheel bearing (mine never made grumbling noises). Get in the front boot and jump around with your finger between the top mount nut and body and if there is play the top mounts might be shot.

If you can't find any play then get it aligned by someone who knows the cars!
Going to get the geo set up anyway, but wanted to change anything more obvious beforehand. Thanks for the heads up about mister-auto!

Pretty certain they need doing as there is an occasional knock from the front that points towards them, aswell as the note from the OPC after the service. As for the wandering, just feels a little 'loose' at the front, you know? The pressures are spot on, and there's no play in the front wheel bearings. The tyres are starting to get low on the front (tread), so its possible they're starting to have an effect? Could be that its just the way the car is (first modern 911 I've owned)?

I had an MOT done in March/April time and only thing to do was a CV boot. No advisories etc.
At only £17 a piece definitely replace the front drop links. If that cures the wandering then great, if not well they needing doing anyway!

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