Some gratuitous pictures.
Why does my snow foam never look like that:
That annoying dip in the bonnet finally adjusted. Well, I had the whole front-end trim out for the Front End Controller so I had no excuses:
Washed and dried:
Ready to go:
Arrived in Mojacar via Bordeaux; N-230 to Vielha; C-28 & C-13 to Sort, N-260 & N-145 to Andorra; OPC Andorra la Vella for coolant where the parts manager was a very nice man; CG-2 & N-22 & N-154 & N-152 to Queixans; N-260 to Ripoll; C-17 to Barcelona; A-7 to Valencia; detour to Acoleja and Benasau via Partida la Retura:
The local roads are a pleasure to drive; the coastal mountain road from Mojacar to Carboneras is especially pleasurably challenging with a couple of hairpins, dozens of short sharp bends and a number of long corners.
The drive from Andorra was my top ten hits all in one go; mountain descents with hairpins; long fast corners; more than an hour of fast narrow roads with really quite challenging driving along the N-260, including the odd blind crest into a hairpin. It was all followed up by dozens of tunnels. Heaven.
The roads through the Pyrenees were amazing, however, my highlight has to be the N-260 from Queixans to Ripoll. Coming into Ripoll, I had convinced myself the road was designed, and built, by an insane genius who was committed to an asylum immediately upon completion. It felt it never let up for more than a second until you were committed into another corner, tight bend or hairpin. Very little of the road was linear with ascents and descents added where least expected, plus those blind crests into hairpins with really rather narrow road for added measure. That, coupled to the fact there were very few visual cues as to the nature of the road ahead; I did find myself glancing at the navigation map for at least a bit of a clue. My new game became being able to corner at 50% above the suggested 'speed' when there were signs.
Also, I have quite a few pictures of my car, as you can tell, however, there are many more people who have far more pictures of my car on its journey as it has attracted quite a lot of very positive attention.