I think most are lighter/more silver - plenty of photos about showing the match. BUT owtowsin store advertise both a silver and an “iron grey” which may be a better match? Certainly looks it from their listing.So does anyone know if the Gray/grey versions of these match the silvery/grey 987 console? The Silver units look too light compared to the climate unit below! Primary concern before ordering one of these! Debating risking it, or buying a black one and then respraying the climate and other panels black to match!
Also, I've read the entire thread, but still can't determine which unit I should be looking at, brand, spec, capacity, chip etc!! So many out there I don't have a clue one from the other!
non Bose, but SPP w/Amp etc.
Many thanks
I’m too indecisive to buy until I can see what DAB looks like in person on one as I’m torn between this and PCCM+ but if you do get one let me know if this is better as I’m curious too.