After some spirited driving whilst out today I pulled onto the sliproad of the A174 and put my foot down.
Whilst flying past a few cars dawdling along there was a massive eruption of smoke from the back of my car. I thought the genie had come out!
So i pulled over and pootled along at 60mph waiting for some warning lights on the dash. Sure enough a minute later the coolant light started flashing and the 'check coolant' message came up.
Fortunately i was only a mile or so from home so I limped back home with an eye on the temp guage. Luckily at no point did it register zero or in the red zone.
A look in the engine bay was rather unhelpful. The coolant loss is from the drivers side of the engine and is in the bay rather than under the car. My mate who has a local indy is on holiday so im puzzling this one out myself.
From my limited knowledge it sounds like a rubber coolant hose has blown off due to the car 'getting the beans'. Ive had a look at the one nearest the rear of the car next to the water pump but this is firmly secured. I havent been able to look elsewhere as I needed to jump in the wifes car and get back to work.
Any more places I should look tomorrow? I dont think its the bonded hoses as I didnt think they dropped all the coolant instantly the way this one did..... Well at least I hope its not them!
Whilst flying past a few cars dawdling along there was a massive eruption of smoke from the back of my car. I thought the genie had come out!
So i pulled over and pootled along at 60mph waiting for some warning lights on the dash. Sure enough a minute later the coolant light started flashing and the 'check coolant' message came up.
Fortunately i was only a mile or so from home so I limped back home with an eye on the temp guage. Luckily at no point did it register zero or in the red zone.
A look in the engine bay was rather unhelpful. The coolant loss is from the drivers side of the engine and is in the bay rather than under the car. My mate who has a local indy is on holiday so im puzzling this one out myself.
From my limited knowledge it sounds like a rubber coolant hose has blown off due to the car 'getting the beans'. Ive had a look at the one nearest the rear of the car next to the water pump but this is firmly secured. I havent been able to look elsewhere as I needed to jump in the wifes car and get back to work.
Any more places I should look tomorrow? I dont think its the bonded hoses as I didnt think they dropped all the coolant instantly the way this one did..... Well at least I hope its not them!